
From Ft Wm, Inv & Tor CC


Hello there. You're probably here because you want to use the Chatter Splatters wiki, <>, and you've been directed here for instructions on creating an account and getting started.

Step One

First, you have a choice: you can either create a global account valid across all wikis (recommended, I guess), or you can create an account local to Chatter Splatters. The only good reason to create a local account I can think of is if your preferred username has already been taken globally.

To create a global account, go to <> (NB: quite possibly you're already there! - check the first part of your browser address bar), and click 'create account'.

To create a local account, go to <> and click 'create account' there instead.

Step Two

If you created a global account, go to <> and click 'login'. If your username displays immediately, fine; if not, try a hard page-refresh (Ctrl-F5 in most browsers). You should not need to enter your password again; if you're asked for it, you probably need to enable cookies or something (although sometimes restarting your browser works).

Either way, you should be presented with the 'Main_Page' which contains further instructions.

All the best, and see you soon, I hope, -Splat (talk) 18:24, 20 August 2023 (UTC)