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=== The 'Annotated Angus' ===

=== The 'Annotated Angus' is a work-in-progress [[EMD]] hoped to finish by New Year's Eve 2021, but didn't. ===
The 'Annotated Angus' is a documentary record of a presentation given by Angus MacDonald to [[FITCC]] in late 2021. [[EMD]] hoped to finish it by New Year's Eve 2021, but didn't.
AMD introduced himself briefly as having had a "very good career" [esp. abroad in Hong Kong -EMD] but with local roots dating back something like 1000 years(!), and therefore having both the means and the motivation to help Fort William "flourish." Strictly speaking, AMD's family seat is closer to Spean Bridge than Ft Wm, but he was very clear that our town needs to thrive if the area is to "work," for which reason AMD has already opened two businesses in the High Street: a bookshop and a two-screen cinema.
/*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ --- MISCs, CUTs & FRAGs:-
These were not accidental choices; AMD had come across some American research indicating that these two business types were strong predictors for a town centre's adaptive ability to fill the "retail gap" created by modern shopping trends (which favour both out-of-town and online vendors over High Street stores). AMD emphasised that, therefore, successful town centres are increasingly "about socialising and activities," and he expressed satisfaction that there are far fewer empty shopfronts now than there were in the aftermath of the financial crisis a decade ago.
==== — 'Glasnost' (openness, transparency) — ====
::''As well as the bookshop and cinema, an 'Escape Room' has also opened next to the Granite House.'' -EMD
Q (Matt Hooper, Jaws) "I just, I want to be sure. You want to be sure. We all want to be sure. Okay? Now what I want to do is very simple..."
Nevertheless, AMD warned that, too often, many residents of the surrounding area only frequent the larger supermarkets here and rarely if ever walk into the High Street, not least because of the unkempt ("really shocking") state of the [[underpass]] and some equally shabby empty shopfronts at the five-unit 'Aird's Crossing' building between M&Co and Boots, about which the owner is notably more sanguine than AMD who called it a "real blight" on the town. M&Co itself was the target of further criticism thanks to the perennial graffiti adorning the rear of the building which, unfortunately, is all too conspicuous from the lochfront section of the A82. AMD cited this as merely the worst section of a generally very unattractive rear facade visible along pretty much the whole length of the A82 from the 'West End' roundabout to the Old Fort, and proposed planting Holm Oak (aka Holly Oak, see below) trees to obscure the view while acknowledging that the view from the bypass is "likely to be a problem for years" and that in any case we couldn't plant the same tree everywhere.
==== — 'Perestroika' (reconstruction, rebuilding) — ====
::::"Holm oak is a native to the Eastern Mediterranean but has been naturalised in the UK. It lends itself well to shaping and is found in parks and gardens. Trees are resistant to salt-spray from the sea, and are often planted as a windbreak in coastal areas. However, they can’t stand freezing conditions and during severe winters they are prone to dying or losing their leaves, so are more common in the south of the UK." -Woodland Trust
"People want things to improve
but they're much less willing innovate."
"People want things to get better
but they often don't want to make changes."
"People want things to be different
but they don't want to do anything very differently."
"They might not say it, but what they mean is"
"Change for thee but not for me."
::Holm Oak (=Holly Oak) is one of the twelve trees identified at <https://www.portland.gov/trees/get-involved/news/2021/3/30/12-broadleaf-evergreen-street-trees-you-should-plant> as being suitable for planting in Portland (Oregon, USA) which has a somewhat comparable climate. Incidentally, the 'comment' section of 27th December's 'The Times' featured an article by Clare Foges ("Beautifying Britain [..]") that proposed a blend of painting and planting to achieve the eponymous objective. -EMD
"The challenges we face will not be solved with one meeting[..]. Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." -Barack H Obama
AMD said an extended season would be a "fantastic win" for the hospitality and leisure industries: it would be "transformational" for youth employment and would provide our more talented youngsters with a good reason to stay in the area. Achieving this would mean attracting wealthier visitors in the 'shoulder months' (presumably, late autumn and early spring). To this end, AMD proposed expanding the annual event calendar with more eg festivals aimed at attracting more affluent visitors, citing book conventions and music festivals as well as outdoor activities like mountain-biking and mountaineering.
"The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction." -William Blake (in 'Proverbs of Hell')
::There are, of course, a number of annual activities (like the mountain festival) in that vein already. Identifying opportunities to expand them might be easier if we maintained a civic asset register locally to include both tangible and intangible assets that could be included. To take the mountain festival example, it would list Mick Tighe's museum of montaineering equipment and contact details for him and other celebrated local climbers like Dave MacLeod, Noel Williams, Mike Pescod etc. -EMD
Henry Kissinger once observed that "it is in the nature of prophets to redouble their efforts, not to abandon them, in the face of a recalcitrant reality," which might bring to mind something Nietzsche wrote (in 'Joyful Wisdom' #316) about 'Prophetic Men':-
To AMD's mind, the principle obstacle to seasonal extension here is that we have far too much "poor quality" accommodation with too big a step up to Inverlochy Castle. Changing that would obviously be expensive. Implicit (and, occasionally, explicit) in AMD's presentation was the need to attract capital investment. He identified three possible sources of funds:
"Ye cannot divine how sorely prophetic men suffer: ye think only that a fine "gift" has been given to them, and would fain have it yourselves,—but I will express my meaning by a simile. How much may not the animals suffer from the electricity of the atmosphere and the clouds! Some of them, as we see, have a prophetic faculty with regard to the weather, for example, apes (as one can observe very well even in Europe,—and not only in menageries, but at Gibraltar). But it never occurs to us that it is their sufferings—that are their prophets! When strong positive electricity, under the influence of an approaching cloud not at all visible, is suddenly converted into negative electricity, and an alteration of the weather is imminent, these animals then behave as if an enemy were approaching them, and prepare for defence, or flight: they generally hide themselves,—they do not think of the bad weather as weather, but as an enemy whose hand they already feel!"
* Private Investment & Entrepreneurship

* Private Philanthropy & Volunteering
=== The 'Annotated Angus' ===
* Public Spending from (Local/General) Taxation
Private investment is the only plausible source of capital for the kind of "upgrade" to our visitor accomodation AMD has suggested; similarly, considerable further entrepreneurship will be necessary if the "retail gap" is to be plugged to the extent necessary to attract new, wealthier visitors to support an extended tourist season.
/*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ /*\ \*/ --- TRANSCRIPTed notes:-
For certain categories of development however, there is inescapably a requirement to obtain public funds drawn from general taxation (including local authority funding from central government, which is a very substantial source of their revenue). Similarly inescapable is the political character of concentrating a distribution of public money in pursuit of local goals at, theoretically, the expense of other areas.
*** AMacD *** <https://www.youtube.com/embed/rqSh0VrvesU>
family 1000 years within walking distance Spean Bridge
"very good career"
from Hong Kong
The other source of capital AMD identified was philanthropy - charitable giving. Voluntary contributions need not always be in money form, of course. Our local "third sector" appears to be pretty healthy. AMD cited the "200 people" who turned-out for the April spring-clean organised by the "fantastic" Town Team (FWTT). But he thought we could attract more private funds by casting a wider net, and gave several examples of local landowners with philanthropic leanings and/or established charitable trusts
*** High St ***
town needs to thrive if area to work
AMacD is keen to help town flourish
Met with Dot F & Pauline (who she?)
Walked with Mark L and Pat J
fill retail gap
towns now about socialising & activities
fewer empty shopfonts now
eg bookshop, cinema
ME escape room
rural locals don't come into High St
There was a fairly long discussion about adding features to the High Street. AMD's first suggestion was to commission a suite of appropriately-themed bronzes, presumably life-size. His ideas included: a highland cow, a stag, a drover with cattle or, more realistically, sheep, and a kilted bagpiper. FITCC Secretary Patricia Jordan mentioned some very good bronzes in Perth and Dundee but lamented that permission to site a statue on the West End roundabout had been refused by the road authorities on safety grounds: it was said that it would be a distraction to drivers and therefore dangerous to traffic. Another councillor draw attention to the irony of a statue of an eagle in Inverness tagged with "Welcome to the Highlands," the Highland boundary fault being well over a hundred miles away.
*** Funding ***
Public spending
::The moment AMD mentioned bronzes I thought immediately of my childhood hero Ayrton Senna because of the bronze tribute at Donington Park to two of motor-racing's most outstanding South American drivers, Senna and Juan Manuel Fangio (see <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Senna_and_Fangio_Memorial_(Donington)>). Rather more usefully, my next thought was of another outstanding pair of sportsmen separated by a generation: the twin gods of (summer) rock climbing on Ben Nevis's North Face, Harold Andrew Raeburn and Brian Pinder Kellett (see <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Nevis#Climbing_on_Ben_Nevis> especially paragraphs 3-5; both men have wikipedia articles but the best picture of Raeburn is at <http://www.smc.org.uk/archives/pioneer?name=harold-andrew-raeburn>). I reckon a bronze of these two pioneers would be both appropriate and, better still, inspiring: Ben Nevis isn't just our highest mountain, its North Face is of almost unparalleled importance in the history of British climbing and as such is, perhaps surprisingly, a somewhat under-exploited asset for our town in my view. (Co-incidentally Raeburn, a brewer, shares his occupation with two of AMD's brothers.) -EMD
*** SWOT ***
Problems: bypass (M&Co) + Airds Crossing + underpass + accommodation + A82
[[ ME wiki/AirdsXg (?) ]]
Opportunities: Bronzes + BTofY + Philanthropists + May elections + Forbes/Blackford
ME Can't move Ben Nevis esp North Face
ME Computer centre at Airds Crossing?
Bronzes aren't cheap but AMD was ready with an answer to that: philanthropy (and, ahem, tax-deductability - but let that rest). He gave four examples of possible benefactors including the Wills family in Fassfarn and the Fleming family in Blackmount and Glencoe whom he thought might perhaps commission a bronze stag - which sounds plausible enough if the heirs of the late Robin Fleming are anything like as generous as he was. AMD also cited the owners of the nearby Conaglen and, further afield, the Corrour estates, adding of the former that he was fairly sure they would be "interested in helping." He added that bronzes could either be provided on loan for, say, a quarter of a century or so, or else gifted outright (and thereby attract a 45% tax deduction).
*** Bypass (M&Co etc) ***
bypass likely to be a problem for years - esp back of M&Co
Evergreen Avenue of trees on SE side of bypass (Holm Oak)
couldn't put everywhere
ME American article
Holm Oak (=Holly Oak), #12 at <https://www.portland.gov/trees/get-involved/news/2021/3/30/12-broadleaf-evergreen-street-trees-you-should-plant>.
"Holm oak is a native to the Eastern Mediterranean but has been naturalised in the UK. It lends itself well to shaping and is found in parks and gardens. Trees are resistant to salt-spray from the sea, and are often planted as a windbreak in coastal areas. However, they can’t stand freezing conditions and during severe winters they are prone to dying or losing their leaves, so are more common in the south of the UK." -Woodland Trust
::Scarborough-based property developer John Guthrie owns the 38,000 acre Conaglen and Rosehaugh Estate in northeast Ardnamurchan; Swedish professors Joseph and Lisbet Koerner own the 40,000-acre Corrour Estate. The last is perhaps better known as TetraPak heiress Lisbet Rausing who oversees a c. billion-pound charitable trust ('Arcadia'). -EMD
*** Airds Crossing ***
Airds Crossing is a "real blight" on the town
spoken to owner a couple of times
ME Computer centre
Prior to the meeting, AMD had circulated a photograph of the entranceway arch at Craig's Graveyard opposite Fort William leisure centre. During the presentation he provided some background about this feature which, improbably, had previously been located in the High Street and had been relocated at some expense by Mr MacDonald's great great grandfather who had at that time owned the distillery.
*** Underpass ***
Underpass a "really shocking" way get from transport hub to Town Ctr
ME publish his photos? ask
AMD unexpectedly proposed, of all things, moving the arch back into the High Street thereby returning it to, apparently, its original location between Tweedale House and what is now the Royal Bank of Scotland building where it would make a "fantastic entry to Fort William," he said. Apart from the problem of what would be substituted at the graveyard - which it ought not to be beyond the wit of man to solve - the immediate difficulty with this is that not only is the High Street location already kitted-out with benches, planters and even a largish post box, but the very same site has been chosen, arguably ill-advisedly, for one of two e-bike hubs to be installed in Fort William town centre in early 2022 (the other is outside the rail station, a location AMD (and EMD, and some other CCllors) thought and think absurdly proximate).
*** Bronzes ***
Bronzes - highland cow, drover with cattle/sheep, bagpiper
CC PatJ bronzes in Dundee/Perth (ME: Glenrothes)
CC Beautiful eagle in Inverness ("Welcome to the Highlands"(?))
CC PatJ Welcome structure on West End r'bout refused - detract from safety - distraction to drivers - dangerous to traffic
ME Raeburn, Kellett (cf. Donington) :=
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Nevis#Climbing_on_Ben_Nevis> esp paras 3-5
ME replica of ManTrap (also Arch, below)
::I would worry that the Arch itself looks a hell of a lot more impressive where it is than it would being over-looked by three- and four-story buildings and that, having paid good money to relocate it, AMD might rather come to regret not placing it at a more open location somewhere in The Parade, say, a suggestion I made at the time but to no real enthusiasm. AMD did reveal that his brother Ian-Peter, whom I know slightly, professionally, from his occupation as a brewer and who chairs the board of the West Highland Museum, had suggested instead commissioning a replica of the arch, which struck me as a good idea - apart from anything else, the replica could be larger. -EMD
*** BTofY ***
British Town of the Year 2027 (cf FW2040)
FW2027 five years
Treorchy (Wales) ex-mining town, c.100 shops largely run by women (only one is empty)
eg computer repair shop, seamstress
ME Craft Town - West Kilbride
::There is, co-incidentally, a rock feature called 'Arch Gully' on the North Face of Ben Nevis, so called because a natural arch of unfallen rock bridges it at height. The foot of the gully is more easily accessed by a rightward (northward) traverse from Ledge Route just beyond the slightly awkward crossing of Notch Gully above the Improbable Pedestal. And on the subject of replicas, it has long been a dream of mine to figure out how to construct an accurate ground-level replica of the notorious Man-Trap rock problem on the Ben's North-East Buttress: that would make an amazing street or park feature if we could slip it past the health-and-safety mafiosi, some hope. -EMD
*** Shopfronts ***
Rates: £50,000 quoted for both (out-turn):-
Cinema £26,000pa rates - similarly Soap Co £28,000(?).
CC Even so, "daunting" £10/12k p a (-Flora McKee)
'Highland Hospice' rents £1000pcm
AMD thought we could expect very little political support for our ambition for Fort William to become a British Town of the Year. He emphasised the poor quality of our transport infrastructure and inadequacy of public spending on capital projects, describing the local ferry services provided by Caledonian MacBrayne as "a disgrace - as is the A82."
*** Hospitality ***
Upgrade Accommodation - Extend Season - Wealthier Visitors
Extend season - fantastic win for hosp ind (& retail, leasure)
Festivals - music, books, mountain-biking
upgrade accom - we have poor quality accom - big step up to Inverlochy
Shearings Hotel, Ben Nevis (Melton) - did he say good or bad(?!)
need wealthier visitor in 'shoulder months'
transformational for youth employment - reason to stay
It is hardly in question that our area both needs and deserves more money from central government. Our locality was promised a new hospital two decades ago, as well as improvements to the A82, neither of which have been forthcoming. Somewhat more recently, the promised STEM centre has yet to materialise despite a number of similar assurances given over the last few years.
*** (ME) Ben Nevis North Face ***
ME Dave McLeod @ Roy Bridge, Mick Tighe's museum etc
ME 3 peaks 3 days thing (cf. LR&CMDA)
::"If we can't claim and obtain our rightful share of funds from general taxation when our MP leads Scotland's governing party at Westminster and our MSP is the second most powerful woman in Scotland, when the hell can we?" -EMD
*** public funding ***

little political support
AMD contrasted his BToY initiative with the "grandiose" ambitions of Highland Council's longstanding FW2040 project. This was to some extent based on a misunderstanding of the origin of FW2040, which was and is an (unfunded) attempt, mandated by ScotGov, to impose a measure of coherence on local development. AMD was certainly right, though, to draw attention to the fact that FW2040 has very little to do with the development of Fort William town centre, where the most significant changes wrought by HRC in recent years have probably been the abandonment of several office buildings following the opening of the Charles Kennedy building south of the West End roundabout.
no infrastructure spend

CalMac "is a disgrace, as is A82" (A82 Upgrade; Blackparks bypass)
::HRC's FW2040 project lead is the highly competent Scott Delgano, ably assisted by HIE's equally capable Alastair Nicholson; neither gentleman can be blamed for FW2040's deficiencies which largely flow from the statutory and regulatory framework underlying the project. Entirely separate, too, is the problem of underfulfillment: if funds are rarely if ever channelled here other than via Inverness, the prevailing glacial pace of implementation is hardly likely to improve. -EMD
need money from central gov

still no STEM
AMD described the admittedly sclerotic 'bureaucracy' that presides over decision-making in Fort William as "beyond imagination" - incomparably bad in his experience. Regardless of whether or not matters here are really any worse than they are in, say, Broadford, Thurso, or Ullapool, doing anything about it between now and 2027 implies, at a minimum, starting to get the better of the Inverness mafia by making the future of Fort William a principle issue in the forthcoming Highland Council elections to be held on Thursday 5th May 2022, and thereby winning popular support for a much more dynamic and accountable style of local governance. It won't be enough merely to choose the right people to serve as local representatives - they will need the weight of numbers behind them to prevail. Both of these goals would be served by our holding a primary election to select an independent candidate to fight for one of the four council seats up for grabs in May (see [[AV]]).
promised new hosp in 2000 (and A82 upgrade!)

::I know of no way to organise a postal-vote primary for less than £500 because that is the minimum spend to gain access to Royal Mail's 'Mailsort Three' (ie third-class mass-mailing) services. -EMD
===== Postscript: Excerpt from (DRAFT) MINUTE OF FITCC MEETING on TUESDAY 16th NOVEMBER 2021 at 7:00pm via MS-Teams =====
*** ARCH ***
Craig's graveyard - the Arch - fantastic entry to Fort William
gt gt g'father had Distillery
saw all councillors
'Chris Robinson' (?historian?)
Replica arch - IanPeter said same
Ian-Peter <ianpeter@glenspeanbrewing.com> (also James)
ME it looks more impressive where it is than it would surrounded by three/four story buildings
wider debate (???)
ME Arch Gully (BN-NF)
*** e-bikes ***
eBikes £640,000
Off-beat bikes (competition)
Hood (cover) on it - too late to change(?)
Mark L and Sarah Huxley/Ferguson - proximity to transport hub site
authorised by 'delegated powers' under lockdown
*** FtWmTT ***
Town Team is "fantastic" - 200 on April spring-clean
Have clean area by west coast standards
*** FITCC ***
re CC: "the more you can do the happier i'll be"
need to raise our voice (FMcK?)
ME eg the fckg Wiki!!!
*** Philanthropists ***
Corrour Estate - Elizabeth Rousing £1bn charitable trust (25yr loan or gift 45%)
Glencoe - Flemming family - Stag
Fassfarn (Fastfarn?) - Wills family has charitable trust
ConnorGlen Estate - John Guthrie
"In fact I'm sure they would be [interested in helping]"
*** FW2027 ***
bureaucracy in Ft Wm is "beyond imagination" compared to Angus MacD's exp
Chamber of Commerce put weight behind initiatives
some nice shops but could do so much more
ME empty property orders
*** FW2040 & Inverness ***
FW2040 is Inverness-led - very grandiose - v little re T-Ctr
ME Inverness mafia can't move Ben Nevis esp North Face - they would if they could!
*** Politics ***
New councillors in May - make this an election issue
A82 Upgrade(s)
ME "If we can't [..] when our MP leads Scotland's governing party at Westminster and our MSP is the second most powerful woman in Scotland, when can we?"
ME £500 mailing
source: (DRAFT) MINUTE OF FITCC MEETING on TUESDAY 16th NOVEMBER 2021 at 7:00pm via MS-Teams
(DRAFT) MINUTE: Tue 16/11/21 FITCC (‘Teams’) meeting - #3: Angus MacDonald (Highland Cinema and Bookshop)
(DRAFT) MINUTE: Tue 16/11/21 FITCC (‘Teams’) meeting - #3: Angus MacDonald (Highland Cinema and Bookshop)
3. Angus MacDonald – Highland Cinema and Bookshop: Angus gave an enthusiastic presentation on a number of exciting ideas for enhancing the High St. He spoke of fewer empty shops and the High Street in a much better state than in was a few years ago but there is still a long way to go. The need to encourage business people to take on premises that will bring locals back into the town. Look at ways of extending the season – festivals, events etc. It was agreed that the Town Team has done an excellent job of rallying volunteers to improve and brighten up the town but a wider diversity of shops is needed. The Bye-pass looking onto the back of the buildings gives a really poor impression. Airds Crossing buildings are a blight on the town with owners not prepared to consider alternative use or enhance the appearance of the buildings. All were in agreement that the Underpass is a dreadful entrance to and from the town. An approach has been made by FITCC to HC to address this problem. Angus is making presentations to individual Councillors, the Lochaber Area Committee, the Chamber of Commerce, the Historical Society and the Museum in the hope that we can all work together in an effort to make the high street a better experience for both locals and visitors. Angus spoke of approaching charitable Trusts for Art projects and not always relying on public funds. The chair spoke of the FW2040 plan with some of the projects being delivered before 2040 and moves afoot to bring progress and decision making back again into local control. Angus advised of his visit to Treorchy in Wales which won the 2020 Great British High Street of the year Award. A thriving High Street with many small businesses and craft shops not just reflecting the culture and heritage of the area but providing useful and necessary services to the local community. The meetings agreed to invite Angus back early in the new year when we will hold a Public meeting to present the idea of going forward for the 2027 Great British High Street of the year Award and as part of a consultation process with wider community/stakeholder participation. The chair thanked Angus for his presentation and sharing his thoughts for the future and will get back in touch in January’22 to arrange dates for a Public meeting.
#3. Angus MacDonald – Highland Cinema and Bookshop: Angus gave an enthusiastic presentation on a number of exciting ideas for enhancing the High St. He spoke of fewer empty shops and the High Street in a much better state than in was a few years ago but there is still a long way to go. The need to encourage business people to take on premises that will bring locals back into the town. Look at ways of extending the season – festivals, events etc. It was agreed that the Town Team has done an excellent job of rallying volunteers to improve and brighten up the town but a wider diversity of shops is needed. The Bye-pass looking onto the back of the buildings gives a really poor impression. Airds Crossing buildings are a blight on the town with owners not prepared to consider alternative use or enhance the appearance of the buildings. All were in agreement that the Underpass is a dreadful entrance to and from the town. An approach has been made by FITCC to HC to address this problem. Angus is making presentations to individual Councillors, the Lochaber Area Committee, the Chamber of Commerce, the Historical Society and the Museum in the hope that we can all work together in an effort to make the high street a better experience for both locals and visitors. Angus spoke of approaching charitable Trusts for Art projects and not always relying on public funds. The chair spoke of the FW2040 plan with some of the projects being delivered before 2040 and moves afoot to bring progress and decision making back again into local control. Angus advised of his visit to Treorchy in Wales which won the 2020 Great British High Street of the year Award. A thriving High Street with many small businesses and craft shops not just reflecting the culture and heritage of the area but providing useful and necessary services to the local community. The meetings agreed to invite Angus back early in the new year when we will hold a Public meeting to present the idea of going forward for the 2027 Great British High Street of the year Award and as part of a consultation process with wider community/stakeholder participation. The chair thanked Angus for his presentation and sharing his thoughts for the future and will get back in touch in January’22 to arrange dates for a Public meeting.

Revision as of 21:03, 10 February 2022

The 'Annotated Angus'

The 'Annotated Angus' is a documentary record of a presentation given by Angus MacDonald to FITCC in late 2021. EMD hoped to finish it by New Year's Eve 2021, but didn't.

 AMD introduced himself briefly as having had a "very good career" [esp. abroad in Hong Kong -EMD] but with local roots dating back something like 1000 years(!), and therefore having both the means and the motivation to help Fort William "flourish."  Strictly speaking, AMD's family seat is closer to Spean Bridge than Ft Wm, but he was very clear that our town needs to thrive if the area is to "work," for which reason AMD has already opened two businesses in the High Street: a bookshop and a two-screen cinema.
 These were not accidental choices; AMD had come across some American research indicating that these two business types were strong predictors for a town centre's adaptive ability to fill the "retail gap" created by modern shopping trends (which favour both out-of-town and online vendors over High Street stores).  AMD emphasised that, therefore, successful town centres are increasingly "about socialising and activities," and he expressed satisfaction that there are far fewer empty shopfronts now than there were in the aftermath of the financial crisis a decade ago.
As well as the bookshop and cinema, an 'Escape Room' has also opened next to the Granite House. -EMD
 Nevertheless, AMD warned that, too often, many residents of the surrounding area only frequent the larger supermarkets here and rarely if ever walk into the High Street, not least because of the unkempt ("really shocking") state of the underpass and some equally shabby empty shopfronts at the five-unit 'Aird's Crossing' building between M&Co and Boots, about which the owner is notably more sanguine than AMD who called it a "real blight" on the town.  M&Co itself was the target of further criticism thanks to the perennial graffiti adorning the rear of the building which, unfortunately, is all too conspicuous from the lochfront section of the A82.  AMD cited this as merely the worst section of a generally very unattractive rear facade visible along pretty much the whole length of the A82 from the 'West End' roundabout to the Old Fort, and proposed planting Holm Oak (aka Holly Oak, see below) trees to obscure the view while acknowledging that the view from the bypass is "likely to be a problem for years" and that in any case we couldn't plant the same tree everywhere.
"Holm oak is a native to the Eastern Mediterranean but has been naturalised in the UK. It lends itself well to shaping and is found in parks and gardens. Trees are resistant to salt-spray from the sea, and are often planted as a windbreak in coastal areas. However, they can’t stand freezing conditions and during severe winters they are prone to dying or losing their leaves, so are more common in the south of the UK." -Woodland Trust
Holm Oak (=Holly Oak) is one of the twelve trees identified at <https://www.portland.gov/trees/get-involved/news/2021/3/30/12-broadleaf-evergreen-street-trees-you-should-plant> as being suitable for planting in Portland (Oregon, USA) which has a somewhat comparable climate. Incidentally, the 'comment' section of 27th December's 'The Times' featured an article by Clare Foges ("Beautifying Britain [..]") that proposed a blend of painting and planting to achieve the eponymous objective. -EMD
 AMD said an extended season would be a "fantastic win" for the hospitality and leisure industries: it would be "transformational" for youth employment and would provide our more talented youngsters with a good reason to stay in the area.  Achieving this would mean attracting wealthier visitors in the 'shoulder months' (presumably, late autumn and early spring).  To this end, AMD proposed expanding the annual event calendar with more eg festivals aimed at attracting more affluent visitors, citing book conventions and music festivals as well as outdoor activities like mountain-biking and mountaineering.
There are, of course, a number of annual activities (like the mountain festival) in that vein already. Identifying opportunities to expand them might be easier if we maintained a civic asset register locally to include both tangible and intangible assets that could be included. To take the mountain festival example, it would list Mick Tighe's museum of montaineering equipment and contact details for him and other celebrated local climbers like Dave MacLeod, Noel Williams, Mike Pescod etc. -EMD
 To AMD's mind, the principle obstacle to seasonal extension here is that we have far too much "poor quality" accommodation with too big a step up to Inverlochy Castle.  Changing that would obviously be expensive.  Implicit (and, occasionally, explicit) in AMD's presentation was the need to attract capital investment.  He identified three possible sources of funds:
 * Private Investment & Entrepreneurship
 * Private Philanthropy & Volunteering
 * Public Spending from (Local/General) Taxation
 Private investment is the only plausible source of capital for the kind of "upgrade" to our visitor accomodation AMD has suggested; similarly, considerable further entrepreneurship will be necessary if the "retail gap" is to be plugged to the extent necessary to attract new, wealthier visitors to support an extended tourist season.
 For certain categories of development however, there is inescapably a requirement to obtain public funds drawn from general taxation (including local authority funding from central government, which is a very substantial source of their revenue).  Similarly inescapable is the political character of concentrating a distribution of public money in pursuit of local goals at, theoretically, the expense of other areas.
 The other source of capital AMD identified was philanthropy - charitable giving.  Voluntary contributions need not always be in money form, of course.  Our local "third sector" appears to be pretty healthy.  AMD cited the "200 people" who turned-out for the April spring-clean organised by the "fantastic" Town Team (FWTT).  But he thought we could attract more private funds by casting a wider net, and gave several examples of local landowners with philanthropic leanings and/or established charitable trusts
 There was a fairly long discussion about adding features to the High Street.  AMD's first suggestion was to commission a suite of appropriately-themed bronzes, presumably life-size.  His ideas included: a highland cow, a stag, a drover with cattle or, more realistically, sheep, and a kilted bagpiper.  FITCC Secretary Patricia Jordan mentioned some very good bronzes in Perth and Dundee but lamented that permission to site a statue on the West End roundabout had been refused by the road authorities on safety grounds: it was said that it would be a distraction to drivers and therefore dangerous to traffic.  Another councillor draw attention to the irony of a statue of an eagle in Inverness tagged with "Welcome to the Highlands," the Highland boundary fault being well over a hundred miles away.
The moment AMD mentioned bronzes I thought immediately of my childhood hero Ayrton Senna because of the bronze tribute at Donington Park to two of motor-racing's most outstanding South American drivers, Senna and Juan Manuel Fangio (see <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Senna_and_Fangio_Memorial_(Donington)>). Rather more usefully, my next thought was of another outstanding pair of sportsmen separated by a generation: the twin gods of (summer) rock climbing on Ben Nevis's North Face, Harold Andrew Raeburn and Brian Pinder Kellett (see <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Nevis#Climbing_on_Ben_Nevis> especially paragraphs 3-5; both men have wikipedia articles but the best picture of Raeburn is at <http://www.smc.org.uk/archives/pioneer?name=harold-andrew-raeburn>). I reckon a bronze of these two pioneers would be both appropriate and, better still, inspiring: Ben Nevis isn't just our highest mountain, its North Face is of almost unparalleled importance in the history of British climbing and as such is, perhaps surprisingly, a somewhat under-exploited asset for our town in my view. (Co-incidentally Raeburn, a brewer, shares his occupation with two of AMD's brothers.) -EMD
 Bronzes aren't cheap but AMD was ready with an answer to that: philanthropy (and, ahem, tax-deductability - but let that rest).  He gave four examples of possible benefactors including the Wills family in Fassfarn and the Fleming family in Blackmount and Glencoe whom he thought might perhaps commission a bronze stag - which sounds plausible enough if the heirs of the late Robin Fleming are anything like as generous as he was.  AMD also cited the owners of the nearby Conaglen and, further afield, the Corrour estates, adding of the former that he was fairly sure they would be "interested in helping."  He added that bronzes could either be provided on loan for, say, a quarter of a century or so, or else gifted outright (and thereby attract a 45% tax deduction).
Scarborough-based property developer John Guthrie owns the 38,000 acre Conaglen and Rosehaugh Estate in northeast Ardnamurchan; Swedish professors Joseph and Lisbet Koerner own the 40,000-acre Corrour Estate. The last is perhaps better known as TetraPak heiress Lisbet Rausing who oversees a c. billion-pound charitable trust ('Arcadia'). -EMD
 Prior to the meeting, AMD had circulated a photograph of the entranceway arch at Craig's Graveyard opposite Fort William leisure centre.  During the presentation he provided some background about this feature which, improbably, had previously been located in the High Street and had been relocated at some expense by Mr MacDonald's great great grandfather who had at that time owned the distillery.
 AMD unexpectedly proposed, of all things, moving the arch back into the High Street thereby returning it to, apparently, its original location between Tweedale House and what is now the Royal Bank of Scotland building where it would make a "fantastic entry to Fort William," he said.  Apart from the problem of what would be substituted at the graveyard - which it ought not to be beyond the wit of man to solve - the immediate difficulty with this is that not only is the High Street location already kitted-out with benches, planters and even a largish post box, but the very same site has been chosen, arguably ill-advisedly, for one of two e-bike hubs to be installed in Fort William town centre in early 2022 (the other is outside the rail station, a location AMD (and EMD, and some other CCllors) thought and think absurdly proximate).
I would worry that the Arch itself looks a hell of a lot more impressive where it is than it would being over-looked by three- and four-story buildings and that, having paid good money to relocate it, AMD might rather come to regret not placing it at a more open location somewhere in The Parade, say, a suggestion I made at the time but to no real enthusiasm. AMD did reveal that his brother Ian-Peter, whom I know slightly, professionally, from his occupation as a brewer and who chairs the board of the West Highland Museum, had suggested instead commissioning a replica of the arch, which struck me as a good idea - apart from anything else, the replica could be larger. -EMD
There is, co-incidentally, a rock feature called 'Arch Gully' on the North Face of Ben Nevis, so called because a natural arch of unfallen rock bridges it at height. The foot of the gully is more easily accessed by a rightward (northward) traverse from Ledge Route just beyond the slightly awkward crossing of Notch Gully above the Improbable Pedestal. And on the subject of replicas, it has long been a dream of mine to figure out how to construct an accurate ground-level replica of the notorious Man-Trap rock problem on the Ben's North-East Buttress: that would make an amazing street or park feature if we could slip it past the health-and-safety mafiosi, some hope. -EMD
 AMD thought we could expect very little political support for our ambition for Fort William to become a British Town of the Year.  He emphasised the poor quality of our transport infrastructure and inadequacy of public spending on capital projects, describing the local ferry services provided by Caledonian MacBrayne as "a disgrace - as is the A82."
 It is hardly in question that our area both needs and deserves more money from central government.  Our locality was promised a new hospital two decades ago, as well as improvements to the A82, neither of which have been forthcoming.  Somewhat more recently, the promised STEM centre has yet to materialise despite a number of similar assurances given over the last few years.
"If we can't claim and obtain our rightful share of funds from general taxation when our MP leads Scotland's governing party at Westminster and our MSP is the second most powerful woman in Scotland, when the hell can we?" -EMD
 AMD contrasted his BToY initiative with the "grandiose" ambitions of Highland Council's longstanding FW2040 project.  This was to some extent based on a misunderstanding of the origin of FW2040, which was and is an (unfunded) attempt, mandated by ScotGov, to impose a measure of coherence on local development.  AMD was certainly right, though, to draw attention to the fact that FW2040 has very little to do with the development of Fort William town centre, where the most significant changes wrought by HRC in recent years have probably been the abandonment of several office buildings following the opening of the Charles Kennedy building south of the West End roundabout.
HRC's FW2040 project lead is the highly competent Scott Delgano, ably assisted by HIE's equally capable Alastair Nicholson; neither gentleman can be blamed for FW2040's deficiencies which largely flow from the statutory and regulatory framework underlying the project. Entirely separate, too, is the problem of underfulfillment: if funds are rarely if ever channelled here other than via Inverness, the prevailing glacial pace of implementation is hardly likely to improve. -EMD
 AMD described the admittedly sclerotic 'bureaucracy' that presides over decision-making in Fort William as "beyond imagination" - incomparably bad in his experience.  Regardless of whether or not matters here are really any worse than they are in, say, Broadford, Thurso, or Ullapool, doing anything about it between now and 2027 implies, at a minimum, starting to get the better of the Inverness mafia by making the future of Fort William a principle issue in the forthcoming Highland Council elections to be held on Thursday 5th May 2022, and thereby winning popular support for a much more dynamic and accountable style of local governance.  It won't be enough merely to choose the right people to serve as local representatives - they will need the weight of numbers behind them to prevail.  Both of these goals would be served by our holding a primary election to select an independent candidate to fight for one of the four council seats up for grabs in May (see AV).
I know of no way to organise a postal-vote primary for less than £500 because that is the minimum spend to gain access to Royal Mail's 'Mailsort Three' (ie third-class mass-mailing) services. -EMD
Postscript: Excerpt from (DRAFT) MINUTE OF FITCC MEETING on TUESDAY 16th NOVEMBER 2021 at 7:00pm via MS-Teams
 (DRAFT) MINUTE: Tue 16/11/21 FITCC (‘Teams’) meeting - #3: Angus MacDonald (Highland Cinema and Bookshop)
 #3. Angus MacDonald – Highland Cinema and Bookshop: Angus gave an enthusiastic presentation on a number of exciting ideas for enhancing the High St. He spoke of fewer empty shops and the High Street in a much better state than in was a few years ago but there is still a long way to go. The need to encourage business people to take on premises that will bring locals back into the town. Look at ways of extending the season – festivals, events etc. It was agreed that the Town Team has done an excellent job of rallying volunteers to improve and brighten up the town but a wider diversity of shops is needed. The Bye-pass looking onto the back of the buildings gives a really poor impression. Airds Crossing buildings are a blight on the town with owners not prepared to consider alternative use or enhance the appearance of the buildings. All were in agreement that the Underpass is a dreadful entrance to and from the town. An approach has been made by FITCC to HC to address this problem. Angus is making presentations to individual Councillors, the Lochaber Area Committee, the Chamber of Commerce, the Historical Society and the Museum in the hope that we can all work together in an effort to make the high street a better experience for both locals and visitors. Angus spoke of approaching charitable Trusts for Art projects and not always relying on public funds. The chair spoke of the FW2040 plan with some of the projects being delivered before 2040 and moves afoot to bring progress and decision making back again into local control. Angus advised of his visit to Treorchy in Wales which won the 2020 Great British High Street of the year Award. A thriving High Street with many small businesses and craft shops not just reflecting the culture and heritage of the area but providing useful and necessary services to the local community. The meetings agreed to invite Angus back early in the new year when we will hold a Public meeting to present the idea of going forward for the 2027 Great British High Street of the year Award and as part of a consultation process with wider community/stakeholder participation. The chair thanked Angus for his presentation and sharing his thoughts for the future and will get back in touch in January’22 to arrange dates for a Public meeting.