EMD/AA: Difference between revisions

(Created page with " === The 'Annotated Angus' is a work-in-progress EMD hopes to finish by New Year's Eve 2021 === -- →‎\ \: →‎\ \: →‎\ \: →‎\ \: →‎\ \: →‎\ \: →‎\ \: →‎\ \: →‎\ \: --- MISCs, CUTs & FRAGs:- -- ==== — 'Glasnost' (openness, transparency) — ==== Q (Matt Hooper, Jaws) "I just, I want to be sure. You want to be sure. We all want to be sure. Okay? Now what I want to do is very simple..." ==== — 'Perestroika' (reconstruction, rebuilding...")
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=== The 'Annotated Angus' is a work-in-progress [[EMD]] hopeshoped to finish by New Year's Eve 2021, but didn't. ===
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"Ye cannot divine how sorely prophetic men suffer: ye think only that a fine "gift" has been given to them, and would fain have it yourselves,—but I will express my meaning by a simile. How much may not the animals suffer from the electricity of the atmosphere and the clouds! Some of them, as we see, have a prophetic faculty with regard to the weather, for example, apes (as one can observe very well even in Europe,—and not only in menageries, but at Gibraltar). But it never occurs to us that it is their sufferings—that are their prophets! When strong positive electricity, under the influence of an approaching cloud not at all visible, is suddenly converted into negative electricity, and an alteration of the weather is imminent, these animals then behave as if an enemy were approaching them, and prepare for defence, or flight: they generally hide themselves,—they do not think of the bad weather as weather, but as an enemy whose hand they already feel!"
=== The 'Annotated Angus' ===